Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm Pretty sweet...

Ok this is pretty much a blog about how awesome I am. I pretty much do it all


Tom said...

Haha... You wish.

Markus H said...

Zach L is a pretty cool guy, who talks about himself and doesn't afraid of anything.

Joesph G said...

Self centered???

Zach said...

no just overly confident

Zach said...

I'm pretty much invincible. and probably the coolest kid you ever meet..... player hate all you want

Tom said...

can't spell huh?

Dylan said...

Whatever you say man.

Joesph G said...

This is kind of stupid not just regular stupid it is some sort of ultra stupid....

Joey G said...

wow zach yeh lets do it...well at least its good to know that ur mom thinks ur awesome.....hows ur corner...freshman

Tom said...

Enough deleted comments? haha.

Markus H said...

Lmao U think you are important

Matt M said...

dude....spud ripped u apart....ur truly awesome and that says it if u got everyone with a mullet to say ur awesome ud get a huge boost in confience ill admit ur moms pretty awesome tho

alex j said...

Zip Zap ZOOpity BOp

Zach said...

spud is a true player hater

Markus H said...

I wish i could be an internet tough guy.

Matt M said...

your just mad cuz spuds cooler than you

alex j said...


Joesph G said...


Zach said...

see anyone could be the coolest person in the room....if i left

alex j said...

go then leave go for the door is right their.

Markus H said...

I just think you are so cool that if I keep posting maybe some of your coolness will rub off on me

Zach said...

if i left this class would be nothing

Joesph G said...

No ones stoping you! Get out of here!

Matt M said...

yea go go back to the middle school freshy

Tom said...

Yeah hes right... we better all bow down to zach!

duct tape said...

wow i have to say duct tape total owns your coolness simply because duct tape owns all

Matt M said...

i agree if you left it'd be know they were gonna name it the "Zach is simply awesome class" but they thought it might offend other people like spud

Joey G said...

well it must be true then...thats so not awesome

Dylan said...

Zach if you left this class then I would have to take over. Ha

Zack said...

Ok number one, he's a SOPHMORE, and honestly I could care less for people who are overly confident about themselves, except Zach, he can be if he likes.

Zach said...

thanks to the people who see it like i do =]

Matt M said...

no hes a freshy and what are you his life partner

Tom said...

Matt your wrong... They should rename the whole school to that...

Zach said...

^^^^^^^^^ player haters

Zach said...

i like toms idea. its pretty catchy

Joey G said...

hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah i hope one day u realize that no ur not awesome ur mom just wanted to make u feel special for once in ur life the sad reality is that no one thinks ur awesome there just after ur mom

Joesph G said...

Ya if you are the person that it is happening to....

Zack said...

Whatever you think matt

Zack said...

Whatever you think matt

Zach said...

it must suck to be living in my shadow joe

Markus H said...

I worship as a god. I am going to build a church to awesomeness. I doubt it will be big due to the fact that you are just that awesome

Joey G said...

ur to small to leave a shodow for me to follow

xobree23xo said...

umm yeahh i guess ;) haha

Zach said...

joe joe joe dont be jealous cuz i know you are

Tom said...

"The Church of the awsomness of Zach"

Dylan said...

That was a nice comback Joe.

Zack said...

I think its really funny how this blog is so pointless, but also probably the most commented blog in this class.....

Joey G said...

jealous of how u cnt leave a shadow to follow...bahahaha...u never actually say what u can really to to make u amazing....well i know y...u just cant find anythng awesome about u

duct tape said...

i think that church will go over as well as the church of the fonz

Zach said...

you can refer to me as king zach for now

Zach said...

you can refer to me as king zach for now

Zack said...

Which i gotta say is really really funny

Markus H said...

You are even better than mudkip

Tom said...


Dylan said...


Not really

Matt M said... Zach Check it out

Livvie said...

yeah Zach your the coolest.

ha ha wow. i love how this is what you guys do all class.

Markus H said...

You are so cool that you can has cheeseburger

Zach said...

ok i didnt wanna do this. but ill list every thing sweet about me
1. im super good looking
2. im jacked
3. i play baseball
4. i play hockey
5. just look at my name
6. i listen to sweet music
7. im the most loved kid around
8. im a ladies man
9. i have top abs
10. Im just all around an amazing kid

Jodi R said...

Hmmmm maybe maybe not

Tom said...

Those aren't enough reasons... you need more!!!

Jesska said...

WOW. awesome blog.. im completely jealousssss.
8. im a ladies man
laaadies. hahah
sure zachakaryyy whatever you say.

Jodi R said...

hey nice goal up on varsity yesterday